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10/12/2010 11:10 AM
It'd be pretty cool if tasks automatically increased in priority from whatever you set them at initially as the due date drew nearer. I don't know how exactly how you'd implement this; maybe there could be a check box within the 'add new task' drop down menu to toggle between "static" priority levels and "dynamic" or "due-date-compensating" priority levels, otherwise the priority levels must either be re-evaluated often or they quickly cease to mean anything. I realize that the due dates change in color as they become closer, but maybe something like a "smart" reminder system that even trumps the actual due date might be effective for some users to constantly be reminded of their tasks as they become more imminent, without having to go through the list and change the priorities manually to help visualize the tasks' different urgencies. I don't really know how quickly the task would advance into the next priority after it's added though; I guess you would have to divide the days remaining until the due date by the number of priority levels above the one the task was assigned when it was added. For instance, a task added on Saturday at 'Medium' and due on the following Friday would become 'High' on Monday and 'Highest' on Wednesday. Then maybe even 'Critical' on Friday and 'Past Due' on the following Saturday. Maybe this would be too difficult and redundant to be worth doing, but it crossed my mind.
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10/12/2010 11:19 AM
When you view your "Hot List" you will notice that the tasks are sorted and grouped by "Importance".

"Importance" is generated by Task101 automatically using the Priority you assign to a task and the Due Date of that task. As the Due Date of a task approaches, the Importance goes up!

I think this is exactly what you were looking for.
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