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HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsGeneralGeneralEnhancing the chain of accountability for delegated tasksEnhancing the chain of accountability for delegated tasks
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9/16/2010 6:48 PM
A key feature of Task101 should be the ability to monitor a task and ensure that it is done to satisfaction. In organizations it is common to delegate a task to someone else and expect it to get done. Task101 was designed to assist in doing just that. When you create a task, enter in all of the appropriate information and then delegate it to the appropriate person to do the work. Once a task has been delegated, it remains on your to-do list until it has been completed. It is also on the to-do list of the person to who you have delegated the task. Thus there is a chain of accountability. Presently Task101 accomplishes this elegantly. All participants are kept informed until the task is completed.

There are however scenarios that could be handled better. For example; The CEO of a company delegates a task to a VP. The VP Delegates it to the IT Director. The IT Director delegates it to a Project Manager, and so on. Although this can all be accomplished in Task101, I propose an enhancement that would be more powerful and more valuable to the business community.

I propose allowing tasks to be delegated and re-delegated. By allowing this, there would be a chain of accountability from the lowest to the person ultimately responsible for the task. By implementing a chain of accountability with appropriate task reporting and notification it would bring Task101 to the forefront of corporate workflow management tools.

Your comments are welcome!
HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsGeneralGeneralEnhancing the chain of accountability for delegated tasksEnhancing the chain of accountability for delegated tasks

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