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User Manual - Contexts - Delete a Context

  1. Full Table of Contents
  2. Contexts
    1. Delete a Context

Delete a Context

From a Task View Page click on the Context drop-down list:

Task101 Hotlist Contexts highlighted

Select "Manage Contexts" from the drop-down list. If "Manage Contexts" is not in the drop-down list, you do not have this feature. You must upgrade to the Premium Edition or the Professional Edition to use this feature.

Task101 Hotlist Contexts highlighted

The Context page will appear:

Context Management Page

Click "Delete" next to the Context you wish to delete:

Task101 Delete a Context - Delete Highlighted

After clicking Delete the following page will appear:

Task101 Delete a Context - Delete Clicked

When deleting a Context, you MUST assign all of the tasks that belong to that Context to another Context. The Task Count Column may indicate that there are no tasks under this Context, there may be Completed Tasks under that Context which are no visible. Click on the Context drop-down list:

Task101 Delete a Context new Context drop-down-list highlighted

The Context drop-down list will appear:

Task101 Delete a Context new Context drop-down list expanded

Choose the Context that will adopt the tasks from the deleted Cntext from the drop-down list and click the "Delete Context" button:

Task101 Delete a Context - Delete Context button highlightednew Context

You will be returned to the Context Page:

Context Deleted

And the deleted Context is no longer in the list of Contexts.
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