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User Manual - Contexts

  1. Full Table of Contents
  2. Contexts
    1. What are Contexts?
    2. Managing Contexts
      1. Add a new Context
      2. Rename a Context
      3. Delete a Context


What are Contexts?

Contexts allow you to organize your work into logical groups to make it easier to manage your tasks. As your task list grows contexts become more valuable. It is important to keep your task lists manageable. To accomplish this you may want to organize your tasks into Contexts. By doing this you can more easily determine what is most important right now. For example, you are at work then it isn't always necessary to see personal tasks or tasks related to school. By grouping tasks into their appropriate Context and the viewing them based on your current Context it will help you focus on the job at hand. Your account has three pre-configured Contexts by default. The default Contexts are Personal, School, and Work. The default contexts should be sufficient for most users. If you need the ability to add new Contexts, change existing Contexts, or delete a context you should consider upgrading to the Premium Edition or the Professional Edition of Task101.

Managing Contexts

From a Task View Page click on the Context drop-down list:

Task101 Hotlist Contexts highlighted

Select "Manage Contexts" from the drop-down list. If "Manage Contexts" is not in the drop-down list, you do not have this feature. You must upgrade to the Premium Edition or the Professional Edition to use this feature.

Task101 Hotlist Contexts highlighted

The Context page will appear:

Context Management Page
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